Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hamburger Bun Pizza!

I saw this idea on another food blog somewhere and I loved it.  When I was making our meal plan last week one of the items was Chopped Beef Sandwiches so I thought it would also be the perfect time to try these mini pizzas out.  This is a great way to use up leftover hamburger buns, because when you have to buy them in a pack of 8 you always have leftovers, right?  It was also super fun because my little man got to help me make them!  We had a great time doing this and then watching them bake in the oven.  He always wants to help cook in the evenings so this was the perfect opportunity - my little boy is getting so big!

My helper!

Hamburger Buns (I used HEB BakeShop and they were yummo!)
Tomato Sauce/Pizza Sauce (I had a jar of pizza sauce in my pantry from who knows when)
Pizza Blend/Mozzarella Cheese (ask my hubby, our cheese drawer is always overflowing)
Pepperoni (or whatever toppings you like)

- Spread tomato sauce on the buns.  If you don't have a handy dandy jar of pizza sauce in your pantry, mix a small can of tomato sauce with some italian seasoning, a little bit of olive oil and some parmesan cheese.  It is delicious and this is what we use on homemade pizza.
- Top buns with cheese and toppings.
- Bake at 350 degrees for about 5 minutes, then turn the broiler on high and let them crisp/brown for 2 minutes.  Enjoy!

Ready to eat!  Gee, I wonder which placesetting is mine? :)

A close up - these were so yummy!  A salad would be good too, but I didn't have any of the green stuff in my fridge last night.

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