Monday, October 25, 2010

Lunches Last Week

We only had 3 lunches from last week.  Colin had pink eye so he stayed home from school on Thursday and Friday.  He is all better now and I hope it is a very long time until I have to wrestle a toddler down for eye drops again. 

Monday, 10/18
Breakfast: apple cinnamon muffin & a banana
AM Snack: blueberry yogurt
Lunch: turkey & cheese 'spooky meow (cat)' sandwich, green grapes, 1/4 of an oatmeal raisin cookie & Snikkidy cheese fries
PM Snack: peanut butter crackers & a mandarin orange

Tuesday, 10/19
Breakfast: nutri-grain bar & applesauce
AM snack: apple muffin, green grapes
Lunch: pasta salad (car shaped noodles, corn, tomatoes, peas, & cheese w/some light italian dressing), fruit salad, sliced pickles
PM Snack: trail mix (peanuts, honey nut cheerios, raisins, marshmallow)

Wednesday, 10/20
Breakfast: fruit loops cereal (added milk @ school) & banana
AM snack: blueberry yogurt
Lunch: pb&j 'sushi rolls', mandarin orange, grapes, veggie chips, and a candy treat (m&m's & marshmallows)
PM snack: pretzels & fruit snack bites

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