Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Sandwich

This isn't really a recipe either but it was so good.  A few months ago we went to Waffle House for breakfast and I got a toasted sandwich.  I have tried a couple of times to recreate it at home but it was never just right.  I finally got it on Saturday morning!  This is more camping food that was planned for our trip - also a crummy picture but I was hungry and ready to eat!

1 egg
2 slices bacon
2 slices bread
2 slices american cheese

- Cook the bacon over medium heat in a skillet or on a griddle.
- Fry the egg in the same pan you used to cook the bacon.
- While the egg is frying, toast the 2 pieces of bread.
- Assemble the sandwich: toast, cheese, bacon, egg, cheese, toast
- Put the entire sandwich back in the skillet/griddle and toast for a couple extra minutes on each side.

*I used a griddle so I cooked most everything at the same time = super quick and delicious breakfast.

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