Monday, June 21, 2010

Homemade Pop Tarts

Colin loves pop tarts. Anytime he sees the silver wrapper he drops whatever he is doing and says, "eat".  It's really cute but I don't want my little monster to eat pop tarts all the time, even I do buy the pop tarts with no icing.  So I made some of my own.  This was the second or third time I have made them and Colin at two of them. When I asked if it was yummy, he said "nummy", which means that I am the best cook ever, at least to Colin.  These are easy and a tasty treat for breakfast every now and then.  These are fun too because you can use whatever filling you want - so far we have only tried strawberry and apple (I used canned apple pie filling) but the possibilities are endless!

Strawberry Pastry (Pop Tart)

- 1 prepared pie crust ( I used Pillsbury - by the cookie dough at the grocery store)
- Strawberry jam 
- 1 egg white
- sugar for sprinkling

- Unroll pie crust and trim to cut four squares of pastry.  Or you can cut the whole crust into four triangles - like a turnover.  If you choose to cut into squares, you will have leftover dough (squares of dough from a round  crust = leftover dough).  Just roll the leftover dough out again and you can get two more small squares.
- Spread dough with strawberry jam
- Fold dough over and use a fork to crimp the edges
- Brush the pastry crust with egg white and sprinkle with sugar.  I like to use the raw sugar (Luke uses the brown packets in his coffee) but plain white sugar is fine too.
- Bake as directed on the package - normally at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes.

*Note: make sure not to overfill your pastry because it will spill out and the jam/filling will get on everything else.  See my picture above as an example!  :)

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